Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Stay In Line...

On request from one reader, I'd like to address the ever so popular liquid liner phenomenon. This is a subject that I can talk a lot about but considering there are so many things to say, let me start by stating that all liquid liners are NOT created equal. Finding the one that works best for you can be a long process of buying and trying. So, through the course of a few posts, I will try to enlighten those who need a little help.
Another rule to keep in mind is that you don't always have to pay top dollar for the best cosmetics. When it comes to liquid liner, some of the best are waiting for you in the corner drug store.
One of my favorites is Almay's Liquid Liner. The reason being that it is not only extremely easy on the wallet but it has a fantastic matte finish. For those of you who like a more vintage looking 60's eye, this may just be your best friend. It also comes in a nice toasted shade of Brown, which is a great alternative to black. I actually prefer brown for myself because I feel like it is not as overpowering of a look, especially if it is for day time. The intensity of the 60's eye also depends on how thick the line is. I suggest taking a few Q-Tips and play around with the thickness of your line. If it is too intense, just simple wet the Q-Tip and go over the top of the line, shaving it down to however thin you like it. Don't worry, if it goes too thin, you can always add more. I will go into different shapes and techniques later but as for now, try to find which brand works for you and have fun!

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